Engineering Evaluation Program
We believe that many times it becomes impossible to determine exactly what type of enclosure might be required for a specific project or product. We further believe that a practical approach to this problem is to have a typical unit placed at the disposal of your engineering department for proper evaluation. In this manner, electronic equipment and instrumentation can actually be mounted in a given enclosure to determine, in the original prototype stages, what type of enclosure will best meet your requirements.
Evaluation units are restricted to standard catalog items and do not include blowers, fans, special or modified components unless specifically agreed to by the factory.
Engineering Evaluation units are available to your engineers upon application to our sales representative in your area. Units will be shipped to you, shipping charges prepaid. You may use the unit for 30 days or longer if necessary. After you have properly evaluated an Equipto Enclosure against your requirements, you may return it to us. Your only cost will be prepayment of shipping charges back to our factory. Should you wish to purchase the unit rather than return it, a discount (percentage to be determined by factory at time of purchase) will be applied against our published list prices.
When we offer you a typical unit for engineering evaluation, we expect that it may be returned to us scratched or damaged. If this occurs, you entail no obligation to us. In fact, if for certain evaluation purposes, like destructive testing, the unit may be damaged beyond repair, we will, upon proper application to the factory, extend to you written permission for destructive testing and final disposal of the unit at your facilities.